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Yaro T. Kulchyckyj

U.S. Department of State

2019 fellow

Mr. Yaro T. Kulchyckyj is a highly innovative and results-oriented professional public servant, committed to excellence in government, integrity in character, and efficiency in performance. A dedicated civil servant with twenty-five years of experience focusing on diplomacy, development, and defense. Mr. Kulchyckyj has provided 15 years of service with the Department of State in Washington, D.C. supporting the U.S. national security strategy, coordinating and executing U.S. foreign policy, drafting Agency and Inter-Agency strategic and management plans, and preparing and reporting Agency financial and performance reports to the U.S. citizenry.

Before joining the Department of State, Mr. Kulchyckyj worked for nearly 10 years overseas in Ukraine implementing U.S. foreign policy towards Ukraine, Moldova, and Belarus as a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Democracy Officer, and supporting and managing development assistance for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the region. Mr. Kulchyckyj has received numerous Department of State and USAID honor awards, including Superior Honor Award (3X); Meritorious Honor Award (3X); and the Benjamin Franklin Award. Outside of government, Mr. Kulchyckyj is a Senior Fellow with the Partnership for Public Service and the recipient of the 2015 Leadership in Action Award for impact and service across the whole-of-government.

A Fulbright Scholar and a former Performance Improvement Council Fellow, Mr. Kulchyckyj holds a Masters of International Public Policy from the Johns Hopkins University’s School of International Studies and a Bachelor of Arts from Rutgers College, Rutgers University. In 2018, Mr. Kulchyckyj completed the National Security Executive Leadership Seminar at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI) where he has also lectured for nearly 10 years as an adjunct on the Department of State’s strategic and resource planning process. Mr. Kulchyckyj has attended training at the National Defense University, served as an election observer for the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Ukraine, and has been consulted as an official source regarding Ukraine’s electoral process by The Economist, The Financial Times, The Independent, The International Herald Tribune, and The New York Times. In his new role as a White House Leadership Development Fellow, he will be supporting the President’s Management Agenda and concentrating on reducing the burden of unnecessary reporting requirements with the objective of achieving no new burden annually. Mr. Kulchyckyj is married with four children and lives in Arnold, Maryland.

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