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Paul Wagner

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

2018 fellow

I am currently a Division Chief at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Institute for Water Resources (IWR), where I serve as a senior ecologist and supervisor to 16 subject matter experts working on water resources science, policy, and planning methods. My technical work focuses on global change issues with particular emphasis on climate. This work includes vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning, decision analysis and scenario planning, and extensive participation in Federal interagency committees and workgroups. I recently served as the Deputy Associate Director for Climate Preparedness and Resilience at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, where I worked supporting the President’s Climate Action Plan. Apart from my domestic work, I work internationally including work in Mexico and South America.

Prior to moving to the National Capitol Region, I worked as a research scientist and policy analyst for The Environmental Protection Agency’s Regional Vulnerability Assessment program and for their National Center for Environmental Assessment. I have also worked as a Senior Aquatic Ecologist for The Nature Conservancy where I was responsible for ecoregional conservation planning. I received my Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees from The University of North Texas and my Ph.D. in biology from Virginia Tech. I remain affiliated with Virginia Tech and serve as an adjunct faculty and policy fellow at Virginia Tech’s Center for Leadership in Global Sustainability in Arlington, VA.

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