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Jeannette Mandycz Connor

Social Security Administration

2019 fellow

Jeannette Mandycz Connor began her career with Teach for America, as a teacher and new teacher trainer in Atlanta, Houston, and New York City. Later, she joined the Federal Government as a Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) at the Social Security Administration (SSA). As a PMF, Jeannette served in the Office of the Chief Strategic Officer and in field and hearing offices before joining the Office of the General Counsel. As a staff attorney, Jeannette handled a wide variety of program issues, notably coordinating legal aspects of the agency’s same-sex marriage policy in the period between the Windsor and Obergefell Supreme Court decisions. Jeannette now serves as the Division Director in the Title II Programs Division at SSA where she oversees a portfolio that includes disability litigation, improper payments, international agreements, and family relationships matters.

As a WHLDP Fellow, Jeannette is assigned to CAP Goal 8: Results-Oriented Accountability for Grants as a Senior Policy Analyst in the Office of Federal Financial Management in the Office of Management and Budget. Jeannette holds degrees in Psychology and Spanish from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a Juris Doctorate and certificate in law and public policy from The Catholic University of America.

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