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Explore the New FY 2024-25 Agency Priority Goals

December 04, 2023

By Team

Image of a veteran in his uniform holding up his son in his arms.

Agency Priority Goals (APGs) are an agency’s near-term, implementation-focused priorities that the heads of each major Federal agency set every two years. Today, major Federal agencies published their new two-year Priority Goals covering FYs 2024-25 on

The organizational routines established by the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010 ushered in a new era of Federal performance management, prioritizing management reviews to increase performance information use in decision-making, and transparency through regular public reporting to follow the performance journey of federal agencies as goal teams report their progress being made toward achieving their goals. These goals, known as Agency Priority Goals (APGs), serve as markers of an agency’s commitment to improving outcomes, customer experiences, and efficiency.

APGs serve as strategic stepping stones toward the achievement of broader, longer-term objectives in an agency’s strategic plan. This approach provides agencies with a critical management tool for organizing the actions, resources and focus of leadership that is needed to deliver on tangible, measurable performance milestones and targets.

Today’s release of the FY 2024-25 Agency Priority Goals spans across the Federal Government and ties into several of the Biden-Harris Administration’s long-term priorities. Some represent joint efforts across agencies, and many continue efforts from the previous two-year goals with powerful new quantitative targets. Here are some highlights:

The Federal Government is committed to serving and enhancing the lives of Americans, and APGs play a pivotal role in shaping our daily lives. As we begin executing on this new two-year cycle of performance commitments prioritized by these APGs, we encourage you to follow along as we release quarterly updates on agencies’ progress throughout the goal cycle.

For a comprehensive list of the new FY 2024-25 APGs, visit

Learn More

Reporting on APG progress fosters transparency and accountability within government agencies. By embracing progress reporting, agencies can enhance their impact, deliver on strategic objectives, and ultimately meet the needs and improve the livelihoods of the public they serve.

Interested in learning more about APGs?

  • Read more about APGs in the blog post What Are APGs? Understanding Agency Priority Goals.
  • Explore the #FederalAPGs campaign. Everybody knows the ABC’s… but do you know the ABC’s of the #FederalAPGs? This year, highlighted the 2023-24 APGs from A - Z, emphasizing that governments impact is as universal as the alphabet.
Fededral APGs image

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We will continue to update quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies. Follow on LinkedIn and Twitter, and subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates in your inbox.

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Updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.