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Public Informs Final Government-Wide PMA Learning Agenda

September 15, 2022

By Nichelle Johnson Billips and Diana Epstein, Office of Management and Budget

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Today, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released the President’s Management Agenda (PMA) Learning Agenda on

The PMA Learning Agenda is a first-of-its-kind cross-Government effort to address critical management learning gaps, and to encourage research within, beyond, and in partnership with Government. This strategic evidence-building plan will focus attention on the evidence needed to solve big problems. It will help identify and address evidence needs and evidence gaps relevant to the Federal Government: what it is that we need to do, what do we need to know to do it best, and what do we wish we knew?

In late 2021, OMB released a draft PMA Learning Agenda, which identified initial questions in three focus areas to support the PMA’s priorities. This final PMA Learning Agenda published today builds upon that draft, thanks to input from stakeholders in the public and across Government.

To solicit feedback on the draft PMA Learning Agenda, OMB issued a short survey to help refine the questions from the initial draft, as well as suggest revisions to the questions under each of the three learning areas of focus. OMB received responses from individuals, academics, associations, nonprofits, and other organizations. Commenters shared literature reviews and articles, offered revisions to the existing questions, and even suggested new questions. The final questions released today reflect this input and feedback.

The PMA Learning Agenda supports PMA priorities across Federal agencies in three learning areas of focus: 1) How can the Federal Government strengthen and empower its workforce, so it can best serve the American people? 2) How can the Federal Government deliver programs and services effectively and build trust? and 3) How can the Federal Government advance equity and support underserved communities? It includes specific questions in each area of focus, as well as illustrative aligned questions from agency Learning Agendas.

Engage with the PMA Learning Agenda

The public’s role does not end here – in fact, it’s just beginning. OMB needs your help to answer these crucial questions, and is looking forward to engaging with researchers, public servants, community members, philanthropic organizations, and all those passionate about improving Government. Stay engaged with this effort in the following ways:

We invite you to follow along with us on

Updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.