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Fed Fashion Week Lookbook: 2021 Collection Recap

Man operating chainsaw on tree

Fed Fashion Week Lookbook: 2021 Collection Recap

And just like that, it’s a wrap for our 4th annual #FedFashionWeek campaign! From September 8 - 14, you joined us for some behind-the-scenes looks of the latest and greatest in government fashion. Thank you to all of the agencies who showcased the functional fed fashions that help public servants provide everyday services for the American people.

Originally shared on Twitter & LinkedIn, reminisce below on some highlights from the team & many others at this year’s catwalk. One thing is for sure, public service never goes out of style – check out the #FedFashionWeek hashtag to see why!

NASA (Styled by NASA & the team)

Image with text - hubble telescope, steel foil covers and picture-frame structure provide insulation blankets that were tailored to fit hubble's specific equipment bay doors if damaged, multi-layer insulation protects the observatory from the severe and rapid temperature changes as it orbits from very hot sun to very cold night, the new outer blanket layer, protects hubble's external blankets, prevents further insultation degredation, and maintains normal operating temperatures of its electronic equipment.

NASA’s customized graphic for #FedFashionWeek 2021 shows the Hubble Space Telescope and its outerwear that helps protect the telescope and its equipment.

U.S. Geological Survey (Styled by USGS & Scientist Caitlin Reynolds)

Image with text - Graphic with numbers - USGS scientist Catilin Reynolds on a boat - 1, hard hat and cap while heavy machinery is in use and to provide sun protection for her face on the open ocean. 2, personal floatation device for safety while sailing the high seas. 3, gloves for handling scientific equipment offshore that may be heavy or encrusted with sharp marine organisms. Ouch! 4, sturdy close-toed shoes for stability and foot protection to prevent additional ouch.

U.S. Geological Survey shares their own Fed Fashion Week graphic feat. USGS Scientist Caitlin Reynolds and her essentials when collecting sediment and small organisms from the deep sea.

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (Styled by USPTO & the team)

Image with text - Graphic with numbers - drawing enclosure in a design patent drawings are required to clearly illustrate the design being claimed in the patent. Date of patent indicates when the patent was granted. Design patents issued today are valid for 15 years. Design patents are a specific type of patent. Design patents protect the visual appearance of an article of manufacture.

U.S. PTO’s customized graphic for #FedFashionWeek 2021 shows different elements that make up a design patent like the date and drawing disclosure.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Styled by EPA & Dr. Brinkman)

Image with text - Graphic with numbers - EPA scientist in lab - 1, gloves to reduce exposure risk and spread of contaminants. 2, respiratory protection to reduce risk of exposure from aerosols created during sample processing, per CDC covid 19 guidance. 3, safety glasses to protect eyes from debris. 4, lab coat to protect from splash hazards and prevent spread of contamination outside of the lab. 5, shoe covers to prevent the spread of contamination outside the lab. 6, heart of a public health hero.

The Environmental Protection Agency shares their own Fed Fashion Week graphic feat. Dr. Brinkman and her essentials to process SARS-CoV-2 samples using a centrifuge.

U.S. Government Publishing Office (Styled by USGPO & the team)

Image with text - Graphic - GPO employee - marbling bath gives the sewn/trimmed publications their unique and swirling colorful look when handcrafting special editions or preserving historic documents. Paints, make colorful designs on the surface of the bath. Smock, protects her clothes while she marbles.

U.S. GPO’s customized graphic for #FedFashionWeek 2021 shows Sarah Hurtt dropping different colored paints into the marbling bath.

Some agencies put their own stylistic spin on their fed fashion looks like:

Department of Education Video (Styled by Dept. of Education)

U.S. Department of Education shares their Fed Fashion Week video feat. Secretary of Education, Dr. Miguel Cardona and his essentials for going back to school safely.

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Interested in other collaborations with us? Want to participate in next year’s Fed Fashion Week? Connect with us at!