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Q2 2024-25 Agency Priority Goal (APG) Updates

July 01, 2024

By Team

Colorado river basin.

Agency Priority Goals, or APGs, are an agency’s near-term, implementation-focused priorities that the heads of each major federal agency set every two years. Today, those Federal agencies published the FY 2024 Quarter 2 updates of progress on

Agency Priority Goals, or APGs, exemplify federal efforts aimed at improving the lives of citizens and enhancing the efficiency of public services. APGs serve as strategic stepping stones toward the achievement of broader, long-term objectives in an agency’s strategic plan. This approach provides agencies with a tool to manage towards and report against tangible, measurable milestones.

Today’s updates mark reporting from the second quarter of the FY 2024 performance period covering January 1 through March 31. These updates inform the public about the progress being made in major federal agencies and highlight significant milestones or barriers along the way. Read on for Q2 highlights from the Department of Education (ED) and the Department of the Interior (DOI).

ED Hosts 14 Webinars Addressing Student Mental Health

The Department of Education is advancing student mental health and well-being through grantmaking, technical assistance, and collaboration with agencies such as the Department of Health and Human Services. The METRICS assistance center hosted webinars on the recruitment and retention of school-based mental health professionals and continues to support grantees with performance reports. So far, ED has held 14 “Lessons from the Field” webinars focused on student mental health, moving towards their goal of conducting 25 webinars by the end of the two-year goal period.

DOI Makes Progress on Water Conservation Efforts in the Western United States

The Department of the Interior is working to achieve a more sustainable water supply and address the impacts of drought in the western United States. By September 30, 2025, DOI aims to implement programs that will conserve 1,500,000 acre-feet of water across 17 western states. In Q2, DOI completed an evaluation of the Colorado River System’s water supply, marking a milestone towards funding the Colorado River Basin projects.

EPA’s New Database Initiative is Revolutionizing HFC Import Scrutiny

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are greenhouse gasses commonly used in a wide variety of applications, including refrigeration, air-conditioning, building insulation, fire extinguishing systems, and aerosols. HFCs have high global warming potential, spurring concern about their impacts. In January 2024, the EPA launched new database functionality to allow for enhanced real time checks of HFC imports in collaboration with the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The new database functionality allows the EPA to efficiently track imports by eligible companies and prevent illegal imports, in a move towards a greener, more sustainable future.

Learn More

Reporting of APGs plays a vital role in fostering transparency and accountability within government agencies. By embracing progress reporting, agencies can enhance their impact, deliver on strategic objectives, and ultimately serve the needs and livelihoods of the public they represent.

Interested in learning more about APGs?

For a comprehensive list of the Q2 FY 2024 APG updates, visit Find a specific strategic priority such as climate change or cybersecurity using the Strategic Goal Dashboard, where you can easily sort APGs and strategic objectives by agency, focus area, and more.

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