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Explore the First Quarterly Update for the New 2024-25 Agency Priority Goals

April 23, 2024

By Team

Two american flags in front of a building.

Agency Priority Goals, or APGs, are an agency’s near-term, implementation-focused priorities that the heads of each major federal agency set every two years. Today, the Office of Management and Budget published the FY 2024-25 Q1 updates on

From improving public health to advancing economic empowerment, Agency Priority Goals, or APGs, exemplify federal efforts aimed at improving the lives of citizens and enhancing the efficiency of public services. APGs serve as strategic stepping stones toward the achievement of broader, long-term objectives in an agency’s strategic plan. This approach provides agencies with a tool to manage towards and report against tangible, measurable milestones.

Today’s updates mark reporting from the first quarter of the FY 2024-25 performance period. These updates inform the public about the progress being made in major federal agencies and highlight significant milestones or barriers along the way. Along with a continuation of many initiatives from the previous two-year term, several agencies also announced new goals spanning topics such as investments in semiconductor manufacturing and ensuring drinkable water for all. Read on for a few highlights, and how to learn more.

EPA is Safeguarding Communities by Replacing Lead Service Lines

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)’s new APG aims to decrease harmful lead exposure in drinking water by replacing lead service lines in various communities. The goal aims to fund the replacement of 500,000 lead service lines by September 30, 2025.

DOC is Advancing U.S. Semiconductor Manufacturing

The Department of Commerce (DOC) plans to advance U.S. national security and economic competitiveness by investing in domestic semiconductor manufacturing. This includes investing in the development of new semiconductor facilities and suppliers and funding research programs to improve semiconductor technology, packaging, and manufacturing.

SBA is Empowering Underserved Entrepreneurs

The Small Business Administration (SBA) remains committed to helping entrepreneurs in underserved communities access resources, information, and services. By September 30, 2025, the SBA plans to assess its programs and processes, expand services to underserved areas, and integrate principles into SBA programs to further advance equity across its products and services. Key goals include increasing the share of federal contracts to small disadvantaged businesses to 15% by 2025 and achieving a 10% increase in underserved small businesses supported through SBA business technical assistance programs.

ED is Supporting States and Local Agencies in Investments in Student’s Mental Health

The Department of Education (ED) is supporting states and local educational agencies in investing in student mental health and well-being. By September 30, 2025, they plan to roll out 25 webinars to share best practices for addressing social, emotional, and mental health needs, and aim to provide 1,000 high-impact activities for parents to improve their children’s mental health. Notably, Q1 results show that ED is ahead of schedule on reaching this goal, having already surpassed the target and identifying 1,215 activities.

For a comprehensive list of the new FY 2024-25 APGs, visit

Learn More

Reporting of APGs plays a vital role in fostering transparency and accountability within government agencies. By embracing progress reporting, agencies can enhance their impact, deliver on strategic objectives, and ultimately serve the needs and livelihoods of the public they represent.

Interested in learning more about APGs?

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