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Wrapping Up #GovPossible 2024: A Tribute to Public Servants

May 13, 2024

By Team

#GovPossible 2024 logo, rolling hills and buildings representing forms of government: agriculture, medicine, business, communication, and travel.

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Cue the sad Taylor Swift music…

#GovPossible 2024 has officially come to an end! We want to take a moment to express our gratitude to all the agencies, organizations, leaders, and individuals who joined us in celebrating #GovPossible and Public Service Recognition Week this year. It was an incredible week filled with inspiration and appreciation for our public servants and the outstanding work they bring to our communities nationwide.

Let’s take a moment to revisit some standout moments from this year’s campaign. From the bustling offices of Washington, D.C., to the vast expanses of our nation’s wilderness, the commitment of these individuals continues to make #GovPossible.

The People in Public Service

Throughout the campaign, the team and numerous others took to Twitter(X), LinkedIn, and Instagram to highlight and thank the public servants serving our country.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management Acting Director Rob Shriver shared his gratitude in a video tribute to the more than 2.2 million federal employees across our nation who make #GovPossible.

Meanwhile, at the U.S. Department of Labor, program analyst Jeff Lagda reflected on nearly two decades of service, encapsulating the essence of public service and its significance in shaping Americans’ lives. During his federal career, he’s had the opportunity to meet those Americans that have benefited from his agency’s mission.

Public service isn’t confined to the halls of government buildings. It extends to the front lines of critical operations, as demonstrated by the National Interagency Fire Center. In their #GovPossible tribute, they thank everyone involved, from meteorologists to warehouse workers to smokejumpers, who all help manage national fires. Their hard work shows how selfless and brave public service can be.

AmeriCorps expressed gratitude to the National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) team for their newly launched Forest Corps program. Forest Corps is a partnership program between AmeriCorps NCCC and the United States Forest Service. It showcases the power of collaboration and dedication in addressing pressing challenges.

Amidst these tributes, the U.S. Government Publishing Office extends gratitude to the Security Services team for their unwavering commitment to keeping us safe—a reminder of the often unseen but essential roles that support the functioning of government agencies.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) took the opportunity to express gratitude to its staff members for their tireless efforts in advancing global development. Their unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.

Highlights From

The team created our own content to thank public servants and elevate their work! We featured individuals across the country including Ledetria Beaudoin for her work and stewardship at NASA.

Our refreshed People of Public Service gallery lets you meet the faces of public servants doing work to serve our communities. Get to know these public servants all year long by viewing our gallery and learn how their work makes communities #GovPossible. If you know stellar employees deserving recognition, nominate these individuals today. wrote a blog post to highlight some of the great work happening in government. For this campaign, we sat down with Amanda Bryans, Senior Branch Chief, Education and Research to Practice Supervisor and Clarence Small, Regional Program Manager of the Office of Head Start.

Lastly, we hosted a webinar on Making an Impact in Public Service on May 8. During the event, we heard from federal employees as they discussed their career journeys and the impact they are making in public service. Stay tuned for an upcoming blog post, which will include a recap of the event and the full recording.

Thank You to Our Partners

We also want to extend a special thank you to our partners who supported planning the campaign and helped us celebrate public service in style.

2024 working group partners logos: NAPA (National Academy of Public Administration), FEAA (Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund), NARFE (National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association), SEA (Senior Executives Association), Humans of Public Service, Partnership for Public Service, Federal Managers Association, Women in Federal Law Enforcement, African American Federal Executive Association.

We are always looking for more organizations to join in the fun! If you’re interested, reach out to us at

We want to thank everyone who participated in the 2024 #GovPossible campaign. Let’s keep supporting public service and working together for a brighter future. Thank you for being a part of the #GovPossible community. Until next year, stay inspired, stay dedicated, and keep believing in the power of public service!

Learn More

Though the #GovPossible campaign may be over, we highlight great government work and the people behind it all year long. Follow us on Twitter (X) and LinkedIn, and subscribe to our newsletter to catch all our features and updates!

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Updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.