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May 2023 Quarterly President's Management Agenda Updates

May 31, 2023

By Team

The National Mall is seen from Marine One as President Joe Biden returns to the White House from Camp David, Monday, Aug. 2, 2021.

Today, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published the latest updates to the Biden-Harris President’s Management Agenda (PMA). This quarter’s updates touch on wide-ranging areas of improvement from workplace training that will equip the federal workforce with the skills to work both remotely and in-person; to the introduction of new acquisitions tools that make it easier for federal purchasers to equitably purchase services; and more.

Below are a few recent highlights from each priority area. Visit the President’s Management Agenda section of the site to learn more.

Strengthening the Federal Workforce

Under Priority 1, Strengthening and Empowering the Federal Workforce, agencies made progress on a wide range of goals in areas ranging from the future of the workplace to employee wellbeing.

To help make the Federal Government a model employer and responsive to changes in the modern work environment:

  • The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) created a first-of-its-kind government-wide training program for supervisors on managing in a hybrid workplace. Sessions are ongoing as of publication, with thousands of federal employees attending.
  • OPM outlined a five-pronged strategy to advance a Federal government workforce of the future that is inclusive, agile, and engaged, with the right skills to enable mission delivery;
  • The General Services Administration released an updated menu of service offerings to help agencies manage workforces that are both in person and remote; and
  • OPM launched the OPM Data Portal; this is the first time this data is available in a user-friendly and intuitive format and improves transparency around the federal hiring process. The OPM Data Portal features data dashboards on the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey, hiring manager satisfaction, and the federal cyber workforce. The data is also available for download in Excel.

Finally, OMB issued guidance directing agencies to set up both routine internal “health checkups” and long-term planning frameworks to increase their organizational health and performance.

To read all of the new Priority 1 milestones and goals, check out milestone tables here: Strategy 1, Strategy 2, and Strategy 3, and Strategy 4.

Delivering Excellent Customer Experience

In Priority 2, Delivering Excellent, Equitable, and Secure Federal Services and Customer Experience, major progress has been made on the ground-breaking Life Experience Pilot Projects announced in last quarter’s updates. These projects aim to comprehensively redesign the way the Federal Government delivers services from a human-centered perspective. Designed around critical moments like having a child or recovering from a natural disaster, these projects aim to make it easier for the American people to receive assistance from their government when they need it most.

Project teams are publicly sharing their milestones, which can be viewed on the Life Experience Projects page. In addition to the nine projects announced last quarter, two new pilot projects were introduced this quarter:

  • Streamlining Medicare-only enrollment: Under the Approaching Retirement life experience, this pilot project focuses on improving the customer experience for individuals who are age 65 and eligible for Medicare but not yet receiving Social Security retirement benefits, eliminating onerous and repetitive paperwork to ensure seniors receive the full benefits to which they are entitled.
  • Streamlining disaster assistance processes: Under the Recovering from a Natural Disaster life experience, this pilot project aims to clarify and simplify the experience of applying for federal disaster assistance programs, cutting down on the paperwork and bureaucracy for those rebuilding after a traumatic natural disaster.

Data on those new projects can also be viewed on the Customer Experience Projects page. To read all new updates to Priority 2, check out milestone tables here: Strategy 1, Strategy 2, and Strategy 3.

Managing the Business of Government

Lastly, in Priority 3, Managing the Business of Government, teams continue to implement plans advancing priorities for sustainability and equity through federal acquisition and financial assistance. OMB issued guidance streamlining and modernizing the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C) program, the training and development program for the contracting workforce, as well as publishing government-wide grants management training. These actions are in investments in both the contracting and grants management workforce to help better advance goals of the PMA.

To view all updates to Priority 3, check out milestone tables here: Strategy 1 and Strategy 2.

Learn More at the June 20 Webinar

To share some of the updates to the workforce priority, the team is hosting a virtual roundtable on Tuesday, June 20 from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Eastern time with several past federal interns, who will discuss how their experiences prepared them for their future careers. The event will start with a keynote address from Office of Personnel Management Director Kiran Ahuja. Register today to attend the Biden-Harris PMA: Building the Federal Early Career Pipeline webinar.

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Updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.