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March 2023 Quarterly President's Management Agenda Updates

March 03, 2023

By Team

Banners with information on each of the Customer Experience Life Updates are displayed in a hallway.

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Today, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) published the next quarterly update of the President’s Management Agenda (PMA). This update shows the progress made on our three priority areas — strengthening and empowering the federal workforce; delivering excellent, equitable, and secure federal services and customer experience; and managing the business of government.

Today’s release provides updates on key milestones and other highlights for each priority area as we make progress toward our overall goals.

Under Priority 1, Strengthening the Workforce, the Office of Personnel Management collaborated with the Department of Labor and OMB to launch a dedicated internship portal on, the government’s centralized job application hub. This new portal will make it easier for prospective interns to discover a wide range of open positions and apply to those that interest them. In addition to this new tool, the Chief Human Capital Officers Council issued new guidance for agencies to hire more interns and early-career talent.

Under Priority 2, Delivering Excellent Customer Experience, significant progress has been made on the 36 commitments outlined in the President’s executive order on customer experience.

For example, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) expanded customer callbacks to 75% of its toll-free demand. Last fiscal year, the IRS offered this service to more than 11 million taxpayers with an acceptance rate exceeding 58%, saving taxpayers more than 3.6 million hours of hold time.

Additionally, the Federal Emergency Management Agency expanded eligible ownership documentation resulting in an additional 43,283 disaster survivors receiving an additional $199 million in assistance. The expanded eligible occupancy documentation resulted in an additional 54,866 survivors receiving an additional $148 million in assistance.

Full details of progress made by all agencies can be found on’s CX Executive Order page.

Furthermore, OMB continues to take important steps toward improving service delivery on the five Life Experiences selected by the President’s Management Council last April. These five experiences are based on common challenges average Americans face while interacting with the government during critical life moments—ranging from recovering from a natural disaster to facing a financial shock. Using a human-centered design process, teams examined each of these five experiences through the lived experiences of customers and providers, resulting in nine pilot projects designed to address priority pain points addressed by the public.

Graphic illustrating three of the life experiences projects: approaching retirement, facing a financial shock, and recovering from a disaster.

Using a human-centered approach ensures that these projects are designed to address specific concerns expressed by everyday Americans. For example, one pilot will focus on supporting low-income parents of newborns by providing them with a newborn supply kit with basic physical supplies that are crucial to the first few weeks after delivery, along with resources about federal programs.

To view these projects and composite personas, visit the Customer Experience Projects page and click “Learn more” under any of the life experiences.

Finally, in Priority 3, Managing the Business of Government, OMB issued guidance for agencies to use a common definition for “new entrant” businesses in the federal marketplace. This will help agencies measure progress toward Priority 3 goals of bringing new businesses into the federal marketplace. As the Federal Government seeks to strengthen its acquisition abilities and purchase more goods made in America, this guidance will help agencies diversify the federal supplier base with a focus toward small and disadvantaged vendors.

These efforts are just a few of the many actions PMA teams have already taken, and plan to take to drive these critical PMA priorities. Read the latest PMA updates by visiting the PMA page.

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Updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.