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April 2023 Agency Priority Goal Updates Published

April 13, 2023

By Team

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Today, the Office of Management and Budget published the latest quarterly Agency Priority Goal (APG) updates on

APGs are an agency’s near-term, implementation-focused priorities that the heads of each major federal agency set every two years. Agencies report progress on a quarterly basis. The two-year (FY22–23) performance period will end on September 30. These quarterly updates across 90 APGs from major agencies provide insight to the public about progress made in the Federal Government and highlight key milestones toward achieving these goals.

To find a specific agency, click “Agencies’’ at the top of any page and select from the dropdown menu. In addition, our Strategic Goal Dashboard makes it easy to dynamically sort APGs and strategic objectives by agency, focus area, and more.

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Updated quarterly with progress on agency and PMA priorities and strategies.