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Farm Service Agency

Department of Agriculture seal

Department of Agriculture


The Farm Service Agency (FSA) serves farmers, ranchers, and agricultural partners across the nation through the delivery of agricultural programs. With 51 state offices and over 2,000 county offices, FSA Farm Loan Programs provides technical assistance in addition to direct and guaranteed farm ownership and operating loans to a range of customers, including but not limited to underserved, beginner, and established farmers, ranchers, and producers.

Designated Services

Applying for direct and guaranteed real estate and operating loans to start, maintain, and expand a family farm


FSA’s Farm Loan Programs provides credit for real estate and operations to farmers and ranchers unable to obtain commercial credit to finance their operations at reasonable rates and terms. It plays a pivotal role in helping farmers to start, maintain, and expand their operations while managing their evolving financial needs, including for disaster recovery. Loans may also finance essential needs such as land purchases, precision agriculture technology, livestock, feed and seed, among other expenses. Customers have various ways to request assistance for new loans and the servicing of existing loans: Access and information can be obtained through an online informational site, in-person at local service centers, and by telephone and email.

Action Plans