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FY22-23 Priority Goals

Monitor Antimicrobial Resistance in Animal Health Pathogens through the National Animal Health Laboratory Network

Establish a surveillance program within the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) to monitor antimicrobial resistance (AMR) profiles in animal pathogen to enhance the Nation’s early detection of, response to, and recovery from animal health emergencies. By September 2023, USDA will establish a long-term AMR surveillance program with at least 30 laboratories participating annually.

Enhance Customer Experience and Improve Trust

Enhance the customer experience (CX) of our high impact services and increase the public’s trust by continuously listening to their feedback and implementing human-centered solutions to reduce barriers and burdens to access. By September 2023, each USDA High Impact Service Provider (HISP) will implement mechanisms to measure trust and satisfaction and establish feedback methods to collect insights to perform activities that will make measurable improvements in CX.

Ensure All Americans have Access to High-speed, Affordable and Reliable Broadband (Joint with DOC)

By September 30, 2023, the Departments of Agriculture and Commerce will expand affordable and reliable access to broadband service by funding projects, which, when completed, will provide at least 550,000 households with reliable and affordable access to high quality internet service. This will be achieved through investment in broadband infrastructure and related activities, accompanied by outreach and technical assistance, in coordination with applicable Federal agencies, to promote American household accessibility to affordable, reliable, high-speed internet service.