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Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance

Goal leaders

Shannon Green

Assistant to the Administrator

Bureau for Democracy Human Rights, and Governance (USAID)

To achieve

USAID will seek to increase democratic demand in countries experiencing democratic openings through evidence-based, integrated approaches.

  • Democratic Openings: By September 30, 2025, more effective USAID programming will contribute to a three percent increase in the Varieties of Democracy (V-Dem) liberal democracy index in target countries compared to counterfactuals.
  • Anti-Corruption: By September 30, 2025, more effective USAID programming will contribute to a three percent increase in World Justice Program Rule of Law Index Absence of Corruption in target countries./n- Evidence-Based Approach: By September 30, 2025, 2,000 users per month will access Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) evidence and learning resources through USAID platforms (DRGLinks, DRG Learning, Evidence, and Analysis Platform (LEAP)).