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Official website of the U.S. government

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Resilience and Food Security

Facilitate inclusive, resilient growth in the agriculture and food system to sustainably reduce poverty, food insecurity, and malnutrition. By September 30, 2023, annual sales by assisted farms and firms in the agriculture and food system will exceed the pre-pandemic level of $3 billion.

Preventing Child and Maternal Deaths

Advance the global effort to prevent child and maternal deaths. By September 30, 2023, the U.S. will contribute to an average annual reduction of 2 deaths of children under-5 per 1000 live births in U.S. government (USG) priority countries through evidence-based maternal child health, malaria, health systems, nutrition, reproductive health / family planning, and WASH activities.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in USAID Programs

Increase equitable outcomes with USAID partners1 globally. By September 2023, USAID will conduct inclusive development analyses and assessments in six additional Missions, and 100 percent of USAID Missions will have an Inclusive Development Champion2 to inform program design as USAID implements the five actions prioritized in USAID’s Equity Action Plan.

  1. Including implementing partners 

  2. Inclusive Development Champions include Inclusive Development Advisors or other Mission points of contact responsible for overseeing inclusive development in program design. 

Democracy and Governance

USAID will seek to increase democratic demand in countries experiencing democratic openings. By September 30, 2023, more effective USAID programming will contribute to a 5% increase in the V-Dem Civil Society Participation Index in target countries*.

  • Target country list includes 10-12 such countries with recent democratic openings.

Climate Change (Joint with DOS)

Combat global climate change by advancing climate-resilient, net zero emissions development around the world.

Adaptation: By September 30, 2023, the United States establishes or strengthens collaboration with 75 countries resulting in the development and implementation of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) to increase adaptive capacity, enhance resilience, and reduce vulnerability to climate change by 2030.

Mitigation: By September 30, 2023, the United States establishes or strengthens collaborations with 27 countries that will result in support for enhanced implementation of at least 24 Nationally Determined Contributions and/or netzero emission strategies.

Reporting: By September 30, 2023, the United States has provided technical, financial, and diplomatic support to 30 countries that enhances their institutional frameworks and capacity in order to deliver the first National Inventory Reports and Biennial Transparency Reports by December 31, 2024.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility (Joint with DOS)

Expand inclusive and equitable recruitment, hiring, and retention practices that contribute to diverse Department of State and USAID workforces across demographic groups, including groups inequitably represented at the Department and USAID. By September 30, 2023, the Department of State will increase recruitment, hiring, and retention to bring the number of employees with disabilities to at least 15.3 percent of their workforce, with 2.4 percent of their workforce being persons with targeted disabilities, and USAID will increase recruitment, hiring, and retention to bring the number of employees with disabilities to at least 12 percent of their workforce, with 2 percent of their workforce being persons with targeted disabilities.

HIV/AIDS (Joint with DOS)

Achieve and sustain control of the HIV epidemic in PEPFAR-supported countries. By September 30, 2023, PEPFAR will 1) support eight additional countries to achieve 72% community viral load suppression (CVLS) and 2) ensure that all nine PEPFAR-supported countries that have achieved 72% CVLS sustain that progress.