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FY24−25 Priority Goals

Phase Down the Production and Consumption of Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

Phase down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). By September 30, 2025, annual U.S. consumption of HFCs will be 40% below the baseline* of 302.5 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e)** consistent with the HFC phasedown schedule in the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act and codified in the implementing regulations.

*In two final rules signed in June 2023 (“Phasedown of Hydrofluorocarbons: Adjustment to the Hydrofluorocarbon Production Baseline” and “Phasedown of Hydrofluorocarbons: Allowance Allocation Methodology for 2024 and Later Years”), EPA amended the consumption baseline based on corrected data. The consumption baseline is 302.5 MMTEVe. Beginning in 2024, the phasedown steps will be measured from this HFC consumption baseline.

**EPA has determined that the exchange values included in subsection (c) of the AIM Act are identical to the GWPs included in IPCC (2007). Therefore, one million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) is numerically equivalent to one MMTEVe. EPA is using the measurement MMTCO2e in this document since the public is more familiar with this term than MMTEVe.

Reduce harmful lead exposure in drinking water through the replacement of lead service lines in communities

Reduce harmful lead exposure in drinking water through the replacement of lead service lines in communities. By September 30, 2025, increase the number of lead service line replacements funded to 500,000.*

*Based on available data, EPA estimates that on average 73,000 lead service lines have been funded annually. The number of lead service line replacements funded will be tracked quarterly, but the two-year goal is to increase that number to 300%. 

Implement guidance, tools, and metrics for EPA and its Tribal, state, local, and community partners to advance environmental justice and external civil rights compliance

Implement guidance, tools, and metrics for EPA and its Tribal, state, local, and community partners to advance environmental justice and external civil rights compliance. By September 30, 2025, advance cumulative impacts practice across agency programs, finalize and deploy external civil rights guidance, and apply at least 10 indicators to drive disparity reductions in environmental and public health conditions.