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Official website of the U.S. government

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FY22-23 Priority Goals

Phase down the production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)

By September 30, 2023, annual U.S. consumption of HFCs will be 10% below the baseline of 303.9 million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (MMTCO2e) consistent with the HFC phasedown schedule in the American Innovation and Manufacturing (AIM) Act and codified in the implementing regulations. A 10% reduction would decrease the U.S. consumption limit to less than 273.5 MMTCO2e in 2023.

Deliver tools and metrics for EPA and its Tribal, state, local, and community partners to advance environmental justice and external civil rights compliance

By September 30, 2023, EPA will develop and implement a cumulative impacts framework, issue guidance on external civil rights compliance, establish at least 10 indicators to assess EPA’s performance in eliminating disparities in environmental and public health conditions, and train staff and partners on how to use these resources.

Clean up contaminated sites and invest in water infrastructure to enhance the livability and economic vitality of overburdened and underserved communities

By September 30, 2023, EPA will provide technical assistance to at least 10 communities to help achieve clean and safe water and reduced exposures to hazardous substances.