High-Performing Core Assets
Gloria Shephard
Acting Administrator
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (DOT)
Tim Arel
Air Traffic Organization, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) (DOT)
Veronica Vanterpool
Deputy Administrator
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) (DOT)
Improve the condition/performance of Federally funded portions of the Nation’s transportation systems. By September 30, 2025, the Department will be on track to achieve three 2030 long-term goals: Fix the 10 Most Economically Significant Bridges and Repair the 15,000 In-Most-Need Smaller Bridges by 2030; Construct a Total of 30 Staffed Airport Traffic Control Towers (ATCT) and Increase the Number of Zero-Emission Bus Vehicles in the National Transit Fleet by 450% to 7,500 Vehicles.