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FY24−25 Priority Goals

Nuclear Security

Modernize the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile as directed by the Nuclear Posture Review and strengthen nuclear nonproliferation and arms control.

  • By September 30, 2025, complete 100 percent of annual B61-12 gravity bomb deliveries required to support fiscal years 2024 and 2025 U.S. Air Force operational needs.
  • By September 30, 2025, complete 100 percent of annual W88 Alteration 370 warhead deliveries required to support fiscal years 2024 and 2025 U.S. Navy operational needs.
  • By September 30, 2025, replace 56 additional cesium-137-based blood irradiators with non-radioactive source-based technologies.

Clean Energy Innovation and Deployment

Support integrated research, development, demonstration, and deployment of clean energy technologies to achieve net zero goals that ensure all Americans have and retain access to affordable, reliable energy while promoting good paying clean energy jobs, domestic manufacturing, resilient supply chains, and benefits to disadvantaged communities. U.S. clean energy activities in key technology areas will have strategies with innovation and deployment targets that would advance progress on achieving emissions reductions of 50 percent by 2030 compared to 2005 levels and net zero emissions by 2050.

  • Elevate and integrate key technologies: Elevate no less than three key technology areas as prioritized and integrated Departmental initiatives.
  • Implement the Energy Earthshots: Complete 15 major Energy Earthshot implementation deliverables.
  • Catalyze non-federal engagement: Catalyze cost sharing and engagement through execution of BIL/IRA financial assistance mechanisms.
  • Embed quality job, community capacity building, and equity throughout technology innovation: Report on financial assistance mechanisms that compared to 2020 contain greater requirements for advancing quality jobs, equity, and/or meaningful engagement.

Environmental Management

To execute key projects of the EM cleanup mission, including treatment of radioactive tank waste and disposal of transuranic waste and mill tailings. By September 30, 2025, EM will:

  • Transition Direct Feed Low Activity Waste facilities and systems from commissioning and readiness activities to low-activity tank waste vitrification at Hanford;
  • Complete dewatering and grouting of K-West 105 Area Spent Fuel Basin at Hanford;
  • Cumulatively treat approximately 19 million gallons of radioactive tank waste (or equivalent amount of radioactivity) at the Savannah River Salt Waste Processing Facility;
  • Complete soil remediation field work at the Oak Ridge East Tennessee Technology Park;
  • Cumulatively treat approximately 200,000 gallons of radioactive sodium bearing tank waste at the Idaho Integrated Waste Treatment Unit;
  • Cumulatively convert approximately 50,000 metric tons of DUF6 to uranium oxide at Portsmouth;
  • Complete at least 65 transuranic waste shipments from Los Alamos to WIPP;
  • Complete above-grade demolition of the Main Plant Process Building at West Valley; and
  • Ship 1.85 million tons of uranium mill tailings from Moab to the Crescent Junction disposal site.

National Laboratories

Deliver the highest quality R&D and production capabilities; strengthen partnerships with industry, academia, and other key regional and national stakeholders; and revitalize and modernize the physical infrastructure of the national laboratories to enable efficient national leadership in science, technology, economic competitiveness, and national security. The National Labs will continue to prioritize world leading and mission-critical innovation in science, engineering, and technologies.

  • By September 2025, the National Labs will work collaboratively to use cross- laboratory models in order to extend the capabilities and utility of high-resolution climate predictions to underpin solutions that address the Nation’s energy security and environmental equity challenges. Building on the Integrated Research Infrastructure (IRI) report published in 2023, the National Laboratories will work with the Office of Science to establish the IRI program governance, steering model and membership to accelerate progress towards high priority integrated science goals.
  • By September 2025, the National Laboratories will work collaboratively to establish a common authentication/authorization security framework and will demonstrate a workflow utilizing the security framework across at least three National Laboratories.

Equity and Justice

Provide a comprehensive approach to advancing equity for all, including people of color and others who have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by persistent poverty and inequality; affirmatively advance equity, civil rights, racial justice, and equal opportunity that will benefit all Americans.

  • By September 30, 2025, the Office of Civil Rights and Equal Employment Opportunity (OCR-EEO), Civil Rights Division (CRD) will have a comprehensive civil rights strategic enforcement plan in place to embed civil rights in the award and execution of federally-funded programs.
  • By the end of September 30, 2025, the Civil Rights Division will have relaunched the Department’s Limited English Proficiency (LEP) program, and 90% of Departmental Elements will have an LEP plan in place.

Energy Sector Cybersecurity

Increase the cyber resilience of the grid by addressing critical vulnerabilities prior to adversary exploitation through a multi-faceted approach that includes applying classified threat intelligence, illuminating systemic cyber supply chain risks, cyber vulnerability testing and forensic analyses, and engineering out cyber risks – all in close partnership with asset owners and manufacturers across the Energy Sector.

  • By September 30, 2024, increase by one (~20%) the 2023 baseline number of sources (six) contributing bills of materials (BOMs) to the Energy Cyber Sense data repository (contingent upon operationalizing one new readable BOM format) and conduct 10 stakeholder energy supply chain cybersecurity outreach and education activities, including (but not limited to), conference presentations, technical whitepapers and analytical reports– culminating in a strategic plan for maturing BOMs in the energy sector.
  • By September 30, 2025, increase by two (~30%) the 2023 baseline number of sources (six) contributing bills of materials (BOMs) to the Energy Cyber Sense data repository (contingent upon operationalizing two new readable BOM formats) and conduct 25 stakeholder energy supply chain cybersecurity outreach and education activities, including (but not limited to), conference presentations, and technical whitepapers and analytical reports– culminating in an implementation plan for maturing BOMs in the energy sector.

National EV Charging Network

Deploy Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act towards a National Network of at least 500,000 EV Chargers by 2030 so that everyone can ride and drive electric. The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation in conjunction with DOT and DOE will support the increased deployment of publicly available EV charging ports to 310,000 by the end of calendar year 2025.

Joint Goal with the Department of Transportation