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FY22-23 Priority Goals

Ensure Supply Chain Resilience

The Department of Defense (DoD) requires healthy, resilient, diverse, and secure supply chains to ensure the development and sustainment of capabilities critical to national security and to build enduring Joint Force advantages. Revitalizing supply chains in the defense industrial base will require the DoD to better understand supply chain risks and to work internally, as well as with interagency, international, and industry partners, to align standards, build domestic capacity, and safeguard markets.

By Sept. 30, 2023, the Department will catalogue supply chain analytic tools to improve visibility and begin building metrics and identifying data collection requirements to track the implementation of the recommendations in E.O. 14017 report, “Securing Defense-Critical Supply Chains”.

Reducing Climate Impacts to DoD Installations

The Department of Defense (DoD) will improve and expand assessments of the effects of extreme weather and climate change to produce actionable information on military installation vulnerability. Specific targets are: expand the DoD Climate Assessment Tool (DCAT) to all major DoD installations by April 2023, conduct Black Start Exercises for 50% of the priority mission assurance installations by September 2024, issue climate related policy and guidance by September 2024, and complete “all hazards” installation resilience plans for major installations by September 2024.

Shape an Appropriately Skilled and Ready Future Workforce: Improve recruitment and retention of the civilian workforce

By September 30, 2023, the Department will maximize use of direct hiring authorities up to 100% for eligible hiring actions and staff hard-to-fill positions to improve recruitment and retention of diverse talent, create 3 technical hiring assessments for use during the candidate screening process, increase its use of assessments as part of the candidate screening process, improve hiring manager satisfaction incrementally up to 10% or higher, and reduce Time-to-Hire gradually from 74 days to 65 days.