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FY24−25 Priority Goal

Protect U.S. Critical and Emerging Technology

Goal leaders

Alan F. Estevez

Under Secretary

Industry and Security (DOC)

Kevin J. Kurland

Deputy Assistant Secretary

Export Enforcement (DOC)

Matthew S. Borman

Deputy Assistant Secretary

Export Administration (DOC)

To achieve

By September 30, 2025, the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) will enhance its efforts to protect U.S. critical and emerging technologies by: 1) conducting outreach to a minimum of 2,500 domestic and foreign companies, foreign governments, and other parties to increase awareness of and thus compliance with export controls; and 2) enhancing the effectiveness of our controls by increasing the number of enforcement outcomes by 15% and increasing the number of end-use checks, which are a critical tool to prevent the transshipment and diversion of U.S. items, by 25%.