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Official website of the U.S. government

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This section provides an overview of the information on, and the Federal Government’s approach to performance management. Read on to learn how to navigate the site and locate the answers to your questions.

Learn more about how provides a window into Federal agencies’ efforts to deliver a smarter, leaner, and more effective government.

What You Can Do on

Learn how the Federal Government manages a federal Performance Framework focused on developing and implementing a limited number of actionable goals and strategies, including Cross-Agency Priority (CAP) Goals Goals, Agency Priority Goals (APGs), and Strategic Objectives. Complete OMB policy and guidance to Federal agencies for implementing the GPRA Modernization Act can be found in OMB Circular A-11, Part 6.

Access performance information by agency, including information on agency established Priority Goals and links to each agency’s strategic plan, performance plans and reports, and other guiding documents. You can find this information in the Agencies dropdown menu below.

  • Read about the Administration’s roadmap for our Government to deliver results for all Americans, including strategies to advance three core priorities on the President’s Management Agenda page.

  • Learn about the current Priority Areas and Cross-Agency Priority Goals that drive implementation of the PMA, including the senior executives who lead each goal effort, their action plan for success, and quarterly reports on their progress.

What You Will Not Find on

Budget and funding information for individual agencies and government-wide initiatives is available at Additionally, the President’s proposed Budget of the U.S. Government presented each year to Congress is available on the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) website.

Performance information from previous cycles is archived. Find the Trump Administration archive here; the Obama Administration archive here; and the Bush Administration archive here.